Taking Selfies Turned Out To Be A Death Trap For These People.

It is not unknown that social media and mobile technology have brought in a widespread phenomenon called “selfie”. We people are obsessed with selfies. And shockingly this obsession has been named as a mild mental disorder by American Psychiatric Association. But that is not the only negative concern regarding this, it has even caused the death of people.

1. We all know Taj Mahal for is beauty, but this September it was on news for some other reason. Reportedly, a Japanese tourist fell down the stairs while taking selfies and became unconscious. After examining doctors declared his death due to serious head injuries.
selfies caused death of people
2. A 17-year-old Russian boy fell prey to selfies. Apparently, he had a collection of photos in most dangerous places. And to update his collection he went on to the roof of a 9 storey building, to take ‘extreme selfies’. But unfortunately, his luck gave up.
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3. People somehow find weird ways to look cool in selfies. A 19-year-old boy wanted to take a picture while holding a loaded gun to his head. The gun accidentally went off and resulted in his death.
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4. A man named Chen, was reported to fall off a waterfall in Zhejiang, eastern China. His body was found underwater with his mobile and selfie stick.
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5. During the annual bull-running festival in the town of Villaseca de la Sagra, Spain. The 32-year-old victim was a part of the run. Hey got knocked down by an angry bull while taking selfie and experienced spot death.
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6. A teenager, Anna Ursu tried taking the ultimate selfies. She decided to pose on top of a train with one of her friends in northeastern Romanian city of Iași. Accidently her leg touched a livewire which resulted in sending an electric charge of 2700 volts through her body.
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7. This is gonna sound really weird, but these two people went to Ural Mountains in Russia to take a selfie holding a hand grenade, with its pin pulled out. And for the record the phone survived the blast.
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8. Sylwia Rajchel, 23 years old, went on a vacation to Spain dreaming of taking selfies on the famous Puente de Triana Bridge. Unfortunately it was her last vacation before death as she slipped off the bridge.
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9. A pilot of a small plane (Cessna 150K), went through air crash killing himself and a passenger, while taking selfies.
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10. Irony plays real tricks on some people. A popular Puerto Rican musician named Jadiel El Tsunami, lost control of his bike while taking a selfie. He had previously released a track entitled, “Me Descontrolo” (“I lose control”).
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11. A woman died in a car crash just after uploading a selfie and status saying, “The happy song makes me so HAPPY.”
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12. A Polish couple accidentally fell off a cliff in Portugal while clicking selfies. People around took care of the children. Tragically their children had to witness their parent’s death.
selfies caused death of people via

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