Kenneth Copeland devotional(From faith to faith)

From faith to faith daily devotional-Kenneth copeland

     Topic: He Opened the Way - 2 November, 2018.

In the beginning [before all time] was the Word (Christ), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God Himself.... And the Word (Christ) became flesh (human, incarnate) and tabernacled (fixed His tent of flesh, lived awhile) among us....

                                                                                               John 1:1,14, The Amplified Bible

The deity of the Lord Jesus Christ is something that can never be brought into question by any born-again believer. Our very salvation rests on the fact that Jesus Christ is divine, the second person of the Godhead, God—the Son.

The beloved disciple and apostle, John, forever puts to rest any doubt about that in John 1:1,14. Anyone who doubts what those verses say could not possibly have been born of the kingdom of God. For the deity of Jesus forms the very foundation of our faith in Him.

Yet, if you'll search the Gospels, you'll see that Jesus didn't go around proclaiming Himself as God during His 33 years on earth. He acknowledged that He was the Son of God, the Messiah. He referred to God as His Father (which enraged the Pharisees), but He never made the assertion that He was the Most High God. In fact, He told His disciples that the Father God was greater and mightier than He (John 14:28).

The reason is simple. He hadn't come to earth just as God. He'd come also as man. The Word says He set aside His divine power and took the form of a human being—with all its limitations. Since God was His Father, He was not born with the sin nature that had been passed along to the sons of Adam. But by being born of a woman, in all other respects He became a man and called Himself the Son of Man or, literally, the Son of Adam.

How, then, did He do all those mighty works? The same way He expects us to do them today—by the Anointing and the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 10:38). He said, "It's the Father within Me who does the work."

What does that mean to you? It means that Jesus meant exactly what He declared when He said that you, as a believer, would be able to do the works that He did (John 14:12)!

It means that you, as a reborn child of God, filled with the same Holy Spirit as Jesus was, have the opportunity to live as He lived when He was on earth.

In fact, that is exactly what He intends. He went before you, as a man, and opened the way. Don't just admire Him for it. Follow Him in it today!

Scripture Reading:

John 14:1-15

                                              3 November, 2018

From faith to faith daily devotional-Kenneth Copeland

 Topic: An Experienced Champion- 3 November, 2018

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."
                                                                             Isaiah 40:31

Did you know that the force of faith has the power to rejuvenate your physical body? It's true. You can see that in the life of Sarah. Most people don't understand the full extent of what God did in her life. All they know is that He enabled her to have a child in her old age.

But if you'll look closer, you'll see that there was more to it than that. When Sarah laid hold of the promise of God by faith, it began to restore her physically to such an extent that when King Abimelech saw her, he wanted her for his wife.

Think about that! At 90 years old, she was so beautiful that a king wanted her in his harem. What's more, after she gave birth to Isaac, the Bible says she nursed him till he was weaned. Then she kept right on living until that boy was raised!

Now, I'm not telling you you can have a baby at 90 like Sarah did. She had a specific promise from God about that. But I am telling you that if you'll believe God for renewed strength and health in your old age, He'll provide it for you. In fact, Psalm 103 says that's one of His benefits. It says God will fill your mouth with good things so your youth is renewed like the eagle's.

That is God's desire for you in your old age. A powerful, experienced champion of the Word with your strength renewed by faith. Start confessing that today. Fill your mouth with the promises of God. Say, "Praise God, my youth is renewed like the eagle's." You'll still go to heaven when your work on earth is through—but you won't just fade away. You'll fly out of here in a blaze of glory like the conqueror God created you to be.

Scripture Reading:
Psalm 92

                            November 5

From faith to faith daily devotional-Kenneth copeland

     Topic: Fight the Right Foe- 5 November, 2018.

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh.

                                                                                                                 2 Corinthians 10:3  

Do you know why so many believers are losing the battles in their lives?

They're fighting the wrong enemy!

They've been deceived into believing that just because a person said or did something to hurt them, that person is the one they need to fight. But they're wrong.

You see, the Bible says we don't wrestle with flesh and blood. And since people are definitely flesh and blood, they're never the source of our problem.

"But, Brother Copeland, you just don't know what So-and-so did to me!"

It doesn't matter. If you waste your time fighting So-and-so, your real enemy will get away scot-free.

Who is that real enemy? Look at Ephesians 6:12, "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Satan and his demons. They are your lifelong enemies! They are behind every personal affront you encounter.

The people who hurt you and persecute you are only Satan's tools. When he wants to strike out at you, he uses them to get the job done.

Remember this: Persecution is not the manifestation of another person's hate for you. It's a manifestation of Satan's fear of you. When you get into the Word and start swinging it around—using it like the sword of the Spirit it is—he gets scared. So he looks for some person he can send in there to stop you.

Next time someone hurts you, don't let yourself get sidetracked into fighting them. Bind the spirit behind them. Put flesh-and-blood battles behind and war with the weapons of the Spirit. Zero in on Satan with authority and the Word of God and bring your real enemy down!

Scripture Reading:

Ephesians 6:10-18

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