Positive Vibes From Within

Due to popular demand we shall be doing more of story telling to help lift our spirits. Sweating like a Christmas goat Kunle felt like evaporating, he has committed a grave offense in the eyes of his classmates and this has made him a laughing stock. Did Kunle steal? No, did he cheat? No so what was his offense? The teacher asked all the students to tell the class the kind of car their parents drive, some mentioned Mercedes Benz, Honda, etc but Kunle stood up with all the confidence in world and said his dad rides a Lambourgini, everyone was shocked, the teacher asked again Kunle are you sure? He said yes ma.

When it was time for everyone to go home, parents started arriving to pick their wards, all waited for kunle's father, we must see the Lambourgini today. Inside the scourging sun, a man rode in on a rickety motorcycle(okada), that was so noisy that the students hissed, cheeeew ta loni okada to npariwo yi(who own this lousy motorcycle) only for the man to shout Kunle oju e foni abi oma so wipe ori mi ni( Kunle are you blind, do you want to say you didn't see me). Kunle was frozen, what type of father is this now, see embarrasement, Kunle pretended as if he didn't hear his father. All the students now realised that he lied, his father didn't even have access to a tyre let alone driving a car, he had to climb the okada after his father almost blindfolded him with resounding round of slaps. With tears in his eyes he went home a sober boy. Next day in school wasn't funny at all. 

The teacher called Kunle out and scolded him for lying but the young chap remain undeterred, all he saw was a better tomorrow, he knew that one day his father will ride Lambourgini. He learnt a very painful lesson that day, on subsequent occasions he always say what he thinks the future holds not what is happening at the time. Kunle had high hopes, he dreamt and aimed high. He worked as if he never prayed and prayed as if he never worked. After twenty years of pain and loneliness Kunle was able to buy Lambourgini for his dad, he turned a painful situation around. 

Back in school we had that classmate who always lied about the properties his/her parents had, they will claim things their parents couldn't afford. If you look at their lives now, you will realise they now possess those things, it is not rocket science, they used the principle of positive declaration. Remember that story in the Bible where some spies were sent to another land, some said they saw giants, some claimed that the people are weaklings who should be crushed with ease. The second report was accepted with open hands while the first news was killed. Be a Kunle today, see beyond your present situation and confess positivity into your life. Thank you for reading.

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