French spiderman climbs 754 feet building in London without ropes

A hobby that started when he was 11 has taken Robert to more than 150 skyscrapers around the world, including Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building, the Eiffel Tower, and the Sydney Opera House.

    Police kept crowds out as Alain Robert walked his way up, using only chair and muscle to get to          the top.

Alain Robert, popularly known as the French spiderman or human spider, climbed up a 754 feet building in London without any safety gear.
According to Sky News, 56-year-old Robert took about 50 minutes to reach the top of the Heron Tower using his bare hands.
"It was a medium climb, he said - not easy, but not ridiculous either," he told Sky News.
"What I'm doing may seem crazy but I'm not that crazy," he said.
Several people took to Twitter to share the live photos and videos that went viral within minutes.
A man who was inside the building shared a few photos and wrote, "This guy is currently scaling our office. 37th floor and counting."
"How's he going to get down," wrote one on Twitter. "Well...better him than me...I get dizzy standing at the top of my stairs," wrote another.
A hobby that started when he was 11 has taken Robert to more than 150 skyscrapers around the world, including Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, the world’s tallest building, the Eiffel Tower, and the Sydney Opera House.
He often climbs without permission and has been arrested several times, sometimes for trespassing.
Policemen were waiting for Robert when he reached the top of Heron Tower. A spokeswoman for City of London police declined to comment on whether he had been charged with any offence.


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