7 Ways To Know That Your Job Is At Risk

The Labour Market is a challenging, unpredictable and competitive place for career professional. No matter how proactive, hardworking and smart you are, always know that the table can always turn around.

Your current job may be stressful, the salary may even be meagre, but none of these is worse than losing your job. In fact, receiving a chicken feed as salary is far better than not expecting anything at all.
When most people are suddenly dismissed from their jobs, they are always depressed. As a matter of fact, some may even die of stroke immediately.

Have you ever imagined that feeling of being fired on a Monday morning after planning your salary for the next 6 months for a project? Very depressing and heartbreaking yeah? No matter how horrible it may seem, this is what happens to most people around the world.

Interestingly, those who are very observant are able to detect if they have been pencilled for dismissal. Thus, they will start searching for jobs before the dismissal can push through. However, some people may not see these signs even if they are glaring.

Therefore, in this article, you will learn the 7 ways to know that your job is at risk.

7 Ways To Know That Your Job Is At Risk

#1. When Your Company Merges Or Gets Taken Over
Most Mergers and acquisitions come with a tsunami of retrenchment. As a matter of fact, employees always bear the final blow of every acquisition or merger.

Therefore, one of the ways to that your job is at risk is when your company merges or gets taken over by another. if you ever work with an organization in such situation, it is advisable to start searching for jobs elsewhere before its too late.

#2. When You Consistently Fail To Meet Your Target
Dismissal is inevitable when you consistently fail to meet your target, especially if you are in sales or production department. In fact, those in the banking sector have a tale to tell about not meeting a target.
So, know that your days are numbered in your company if you aren’t hitting your target.

#3. When Your Boss No Longer Invite You For Important Team Meetings
Once your boss suddenly stops inviting you to important team meetings, this is a red light. To put it differently, you may have been pencilled for possible dismissal. So, it is advisable to dust your resume, update it and start searching for a new job.

#4 When Your Performance Review Is Always Bad
Ordinarily, your performance review is a key factor for promotion. However, when you always get a bad performance review, just know that your days are numbered in the organization. In fact, activate your job searching mood before the sack letter finally comes.

#5. When Your Boss No Longer Trust Your Work
One of the easiest ways to know that your job is at risk is when your boss no longer trust your work. You don’t need a soothsayer to know that your job is at risk when your boss no longer trusts your work.

If you ever find yourself in a situation like this, just know that you may be affected by the next tsunami of retrenchment. So, start looking somewhere else for a juicy job offer.

#6. When Your Boss Has Suddenly Become Distance And Difficult To Communicate With
Your boss that used to be very open and supportive you suddenly becomes distance and strict? Even when you make mistake he no longer scolds you.

In fact, he gives you less work, thus making you redundant. These are signs that you may be facing 
dismissal anytime soon.

#7. Your Boss Denied You a Promotion Without Explanation
You are due for promotion, yet your boss denied you without an explanation. This is definitely one of the ways to know that your job is at risk. Just keep your fingers crossed and start hurting for a new job.

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