Gospel quotes

“The good news is that Christ frees us from the need to obnoxiously focus on our goodness, our commitment, and our correctness. Religious has made us obsessive almost beyond endurance. Jesus invited us to a dance...and we've turned in into a march of soldiers, always checking to see if we're doing it right and are in step and in line with the other soldiers. We know a dance would be more fun, but we believe we must go through hell to get to heaven, so we keep marching.” 
― Steve Brown, A Scandalous Freedom

“I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.” 
― Anonymous, Holy Bible: The New King James Version


“The world needs to see Christians burning, not with self-righteous fury at the sliding morals in our country, but with passion for God.” 

― Kevin DeYoung

“You have one business on earth – to save souls.” 

― John Wesley

“The gospel is not a doctrine of the tongue, but of life. It cannot be grasped by reason and memory only, but it is fully understood when it possesses the whole soul and penetrates to the inner recesses of the heart.” 

― John Calvin, Golden Booklet of the True Christian Life


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